Starting blogging again
Posted by Nadia on Sunday, December 13, 2015. Filed under: Daily rantOnce you started blogging, you'll always find a way back to it no matter how long your hiatus have been. That's for me anyways. I officially started blogging since 2002 thanks to a friend in high school who introduced me the wonders of blogger and photoshop. Creating blogger skins and templates were addictive back then. My early years of blogging is no longer present in the online search (Thank God!). Though I still have an active blog linked to my blogger profile, I wanted to start fresh with a slightly different approach in content.
This blog will hopefully be filled with more info-useful posts to my future readers. It can be anything random from travel stories to reviews. I can sometimes be quite opinionated so do expect some rant on what I think of on current issues.
To a new beginning!
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